
Now more than ever, people of faith need to come together to wrestle with the injustice in our world.

This is the Time. This is the place” 

New Zealand is hosting for the first time The Justice Conference (October 28-29, Auckland) and it’s not one to be missed!

The line up includes:

Eugene Cho – Founder and lead Pastor of Quest Church, and author of “Overrated: Are We More in Love with the idea of Changing the World than Actually Changing the World?”

Bishop Justin Duckworth – Anglican Bishop of Wellington, co-founder and leader of Urban Vision and pioneer of Ngatiawa, a contemporary monastery.

Danielle Strickland – Salvation Army officer leading the social justice cause in the United States, leads Stop The Traffik (an anti human trafficking campaign) in Canada, and is an internationally recognised leader, speaker, writer and church planter.

Andrew Beacroft – Principal Youth Court Judge and currently the Children’s Commissioner. Andrew Beacroft is strongly committed to a specialist approach to dealing with youth offenders and is an advocate for youth issues.

Speakers also include: Joel McKerrow, Micah Bournes, Ken Wytsma and more.